Biography of a Great Smoker Alexander Graham Bell

One of the greatest inventors that the world has ever known: Alexander Graham Bell made uncountable discoveries during his 75 years on the planet. Starting at the age of 12, when he invented a dusting system for his childhood friend’s family mill; Bell continued to demonstrate a unique and forward-thinking approach to innovation. It has often been stated that the inventor managed to keep his mind clear and focussed with the help of his trusted pipe.

Alexander Graham Bell made so many world-changing inventions and discoveries that it is almost impossible to pinpoint one outstanding achievement or quality to sum him up. This means that many of his characteristics and personal traits are oft-forgot in favour of his other achievements. Whilst smoking may not be considered to be as much of his character as Winston Churchill’s, it is more to do with the multi-faceted nature of his work, achievements and personality.

A relatively private man, Alexander Graham Bell let his inventions do the talking for him, preferring to stay out of the limelight. Bell’s list of influential and important inventions is almost unparalleled throughout history. Only the greatest thinks that the World has ever seen like Leonardo Da Vinci can claim to have had a similar level of influence upon modern life. Bell is noted as being the inventor of the modern telephone, the metal detector and the hydroplane amongst others. Furthermore, Bell was credited with improving wing design for airplanes and well as designing his own airplane.

Alexander Graham Bell was featured heavily on the tobacco cards that were traditionally found inside packs of cigarettes. Small animations of Bell working the World’s first telephone were one of the most popular editions of the small fun inserts that came as extras alongside cigarette tobacco.

Bell also had a certain skill for predicting future technologies – having long discussed the inevitable invention of video calling.

“The day will come when the man at the telephone will be able to see the distant person to whom he is speaking,”

and even predicting one of the major ecological problems that the World has encountered.

“Coal and oil are……strictly limited in quantity. We can take coal out of a mine but we can never put it back. What shall we do when we have no more coal or oil? [The unchecked burning of fossil fuels] would have a sort of greenhouse effect. The net result is the greenhouse becomes a sort of hot-house.”

The innovator may have had far-reaching plans and estimations but he allowed himself the privilege of enjoying the present, as he often did so with high quality tobacco.

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